I whipped out another four pages! I'm trying to finish this project so that my house can be clean again this is a seriously messy project. The first page is Noah's Ark. Every good quiet book has a Noah's Ark page it seems so it definitely wasn't a new idea. The ark zipper opens and inside is a bunch of animal finger puppets that I got from Ikea for $6. The second page is a horse. This page is for kids to practice braiding by braiding the horses tail. The tiny pocket holds rubber bands and ribbon for them to secure their braids. The third page is a frog puzzle. I love frogs so I had to figure out how to include a frog somewhere in the book. I could also add more puzzles later if they get sick of this one. The purse page was actually inspired by my neice Kate. Last Christmas break she loved looking in purses and it kept her quiet at church. I'm planning on making felt makeup, a cell phone, keys, credit cards, and money to go into the purse. I'll wait until the rest of the book is done before I tackle that project. I will do it though!
Scrap Fabric Jar Of Hearts Valentine Card
8 hours ago